Friday, March 14, 2008

list of helpful web tools

I have tried to get this to post twice now, so let's hope that third time is the charm. I wanted to share a few sites with tools that can help enhance a blog, website, or presentation. To view my list click on and have a look. I am looking forward to exploring these sites further, I hope that you will too.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Library 2.0 on a stick

I am feeling swamped with homework. It's midterm, I'm taking three classes, and now one of my instructors thinks this would be a good time to start 23 things on a stick. Most people started over 6 weeks ago. I know this will be beneficial in the long run, but I'm to tired to really care (or for that matter vent) right now.

I just need to keep flexible in mind and spirit (if not in body) for the time being. Well here's to 22 more things to put on my stick.